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Being a single college student at a Christian campus, the thoughts of marriage knock at my mental doorstep at every turn. Whether it is online articles regarding it-- like this one for example-- or just contemplating it when someone of the opposite gender even glances in my general direction, marriage is infiltrating the hearts of myself and those around me at an alarming rate, and might be morphing into something it was never intended to be. 

Ever since we are little, our parents talk about finding "the one," phrasing it as though that were the ultimate goal in life, the ideal treasure to be found. And while I do believe God has set aside someone special for each of us, finding them is not the sole purpose of our  ... Read more »

Views: 2189 | Added by: Cyanide | Date: 08.06.2014 | Comments (2)

"No one can take away our experiences."

This is what a close friend of mine, whom I look up to, told me on a long car ride to Denver, Colorado.

And it struck a chord deep within me, because of what I have subconsciously saturated my mind with for the last few years-- things that I am certain you will be able to relate with as well, things that have gotten increasing prevalent in our lives.

I wake up in the morning and do my usual checks: Instagram, ... Read more »

Views: 739 | Added by: Cyanide | Date: 07.31.2014 | Comments (1)

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